
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Using the plugin 'SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2' I was looking for a way to display the related search terms differently on certain templates.In the dashboard settings of SearchTerms Tagging 2 you can set to display with link to post content or to search or to show just the terms.In the…

von Joern
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You can see a bit here:http://dump.no/files/8360519e8f6d/Scree ... .43_PM.pngSee how the two first post in the category "MP3" are shown before the rest are shown side by side? I want all post in "MP3" shown side by side. The new code you gave is shown at the top, which is great.…

von blogdot admin
10 Kommentare

The film Valkyrie is directed by Bryan Singer and stars Tom Cruise. It is a historical thriller movie set in WWII Germany. The film represents the July 20, 1944 plot of German army officers whose the leader was Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. After changing release dates twice Valkyrie was released…