
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Actually Arthemia is loading comments_template(); in single.php (posts) as well as in page.php (pages)by removing in page.php this:Code:<div id="comments">   <?php comments_template(); ?>   </div>you will disable comments on all pages.For posts it's exactly the same. (Like default WordPress theme)About disqus I…

von Joern
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this is not so easy to achieve...You could look at my theme Arthemix Bronze, preview is here:http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemix-bronzeor Arthemix Green preview:http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemix-greenIt's actually quite similar to Arthemia, free WordPress theme download it here:http://themes.go41.de/wp-content/downlo ... bronze.zipon that site you find also other themes,…