
the info you need to know

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

I didn't like the default title entry of prosilver or my current style (theme).The default in the file overall_header.html looked like thisCode:<title>{SITENAME} &bull; <!-- IF S_IN_MCP -->{L_MCP} &bull; <!-- ELSEIF S_IN_UCP -->{L_UCP} &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->{PAGE_TITLE}</title>I replaced this line with…

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

This forum was using "Human Test for bbPress" to stop automated bot registration.Today we switched to another plugin using reCAPTCHA to block registration of 'unwanted' guests by adding reCAPTCHA to register.php.Thanks for supplying the bbCaptcha plugin!Installation worked without any problem,…