
the info you need to know

von Joern
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just as a reference:YouTube supplies thumbnails for a given video.ID in this way:http://img.youtube.com/vi/MKczB_9LChY/0.jpghttp://img.youtube.com/vi/MKczB_9LChY/1.jpgeg:img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO-ID/0.jpg is a 320x240 imageimg.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO-ID/1.jpg is a 130x92 imageusing a custom field in WordPress (video-ID) with value 'videoID' you can create a function to display the thumbnail of…

von Joern
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If the sitemap has empty referrers to some pages it could help on bbpress- to edit the bbpress_sitemap.php.part of sitemap.xml before editing bbpress_sitemap.php<loc>://</loc><lastmod>2009-02-11</lastmod><changefreq>monthly</changefreq><priority>0.2</priority>and the same after editing:<loc>http://forum.go41.de/tags/sidebar</loc><lastmod>2009-02-11</lastmod><changefreq>monthly</changefreq><priority>0.2</priority>What to change in bbpress_sitemap.php Version: 0.6.1:in line 122get_tag_link replace with bb_get_tag_linkin line 138get_tag_page_link…

von Joern
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As I think a sitemap.xml is important for any website I got the latest sitemap plugin for bbpress here:http://plugins-dev.bbpress.org/browser/ ... itemap.phpI edited this bbpress_sitemap.php on line 16 to look like this:$sitemap_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/sitemap.xml";as my bbpress is installed in the root…

von Joern
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I didn't find a robots.txt file for bbpress. There are many crawlers looking for this file first so best to have one in your root folder.The content of my current robots.txt file is now:User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*Disallow:User-agent: *Disallow: /bb-admin/Disallow: /bb-cache/Disallow: /bb-includes/Disallow: /bb-plugins/Disallow:…