
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Hey all, First off, I've been lurking for about a year and this forum has been a GREAT source of knowledge. Now... onto the problem. This seems to only be happening in IE, all pages look fine in Firefox. Not…

von Joern
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I think that once the plugin (GEOIP?) had re-directed users they would jump to a country-specific version of the site e.g.www.iamstaggered.com/uswww.iamstaggered.com/uketc. I'm pretty sure that using a sitemap you can split it up so that google knows it's essentially two…

von Joern
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Hi Joern, just a quickie. We're in the process of launching a US version of Staggered (www.iamstaggered.com) and the way we'd like to do it is to keep a single URL. What I'd like to happen is that when people…