
the info you need to know

von Joern
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I saw the post about TimThumb exploits and the fact that you've removed all themes using TimThumb from your site based on that.I have a WordPress site I am building based on your arthemix-bronze theme, but I have put a great deal of customization into it. So switching to something…

von Joern
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All sites on my server had the problem that in 'Edit Post' under All Posts to edit a single post or page the button 'Visual' didn't work. The drop down 'Screen Options' and the dropdown to logout also didn't work.In my case the problem was clearly the missing php extension…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

It looks like the Bing search engine is not supplying valid feeds anymore for requests with the ending &format=rss In june 2011 a bing search looking for 'wordpress' like http://www.bing.com/search?q=wordpress&format=rss resulted in a valid rss feed. Today, first of july, this url shows just a normal html page and not…